Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Advertising Writing Samples and Campaign for Lunchsense

Meet Sarah
Sarah is a fun loving 20 year-old college student at the University of Oregon, majoring in education in hopes to become a teacher in the near future.  Sarah also plans in receiving a minor in Spanish.  Sarah frequently visits her family in Portland where she is able to take a break from her busy schedule and relax with her family and dog.  Sarah loves animals, especially her dog at home.  Along with being a student she is also involved in an environmental club, and holds a recycle chair position in her sorority that she was elected to.  She has an on campus job at the Buzz coffee shop because she is responsible for helping her parents pay for her tuition.  Sarah and her family are financially stable, but a little extra money on the side is beneficial and allows Sarah to have some spending money.  With being so busy with school and work, Sarah rarely has time to go out and buy lunch.  She prefers to pack her lunch the night before and doesn’t like to break that routine.  She is interested in helping out the environment and has a passion for recycling.  Although she loves the environment, she also is concerned about looking good and having style.  She prefers her clothing to be fun, colorful, and have unique patterns.  She doesn’t want generic products because she is outgoing and likes to try new things.
When Sarah is not busy studying at the library or working , she loves to go bike riding or go on walks.  She also enjoys hanging out with her friends and going shopping at Valley River Center.   Her favorite stores are Macy’s and Forever 21.  Sarah also enjoys staying  up to date on what celebrities are wearing and doing.  Her favorite magazines are US Weekly, People, Fitness, and Cosmopolitan.  She prefers those magazines because it keeps her updated, but also gives her new ideas of things to try and do.  Sarah is very active and loves reading about new workouts in Fitness.  Sarah goes on the internet for about 2 hours each day, whether it’s for research or staying connected with people on Twitter and Facebook.  She loves Facebook because she is able to stay connected with her friends and view photos.  She does not subscribe to newspapers but instead reads articles on MSN, The New York Times, and the Register Guard because this allows her to receive news from all over.  She also does not get newspapers delivered because she thinks it is a waste of paper, when she can read it online at any time.  While on the internet she listens to Pandora and searches for music on iTunes.  Since Sarah is very busy she does not have a lot of time for television except for her favorite shows, Lost, the Office, and Law and Order.  Sarah only watches about 3 hours of television each week.  Ever since Sara studied abroad in Mexico it has opened her eyes to new opportunities and learning about other cultures.  She now loves to get involved in community series around campus and Eugene.  She plans on participating in University Day and Relay for Life.

Creative Strategy and Strategic Approach
·         Raise awareness of Lunchsense as a brand
·         To encourage people (primarily college students) to pack their lunch rather than purchasing their lunch.
·         College students and young adults
·         Men and women
·         Ages 18-29
·         Value health, environment, convenience, and individuality.
·         Audience is unaware of Lunchsense.
·         Most college students have not used a lunchbox since grade school.
·         If students do pack a lunch, they usually pack it in a paper bag.
·         Unique Selling Proposition
·         We want our product to be viewed as the only lunchbox with variety (assortment of colors, sizes, and ways to carry it).
·         We want our product to promote healthy eating habits (an alternative to fast food or take out for lunch).
·         We want our product to encourage responsibility for the environment rather than using paper bags.
·         We want our product to be viewed as convenient.
·         Variety of colors, sizes, and ways to carry (strap or handle).
·         Customers can connect to this product more than a brown paper bag because they can choose the color that best represents their personality.
·         Washable, BPA free, and removable containers.
·         Containers are reasonable portioned to promote healthy eating habits.
·         Lunchsense has the variety you need to show your unique personality.

The concept for this campaign is that one can express their individuality through the variety of colors that Lunchsense offers.  In our campaign we will use a spokesperson for each color to relate to our audience.  The campaign will be primarily imaged based because of the importance of each color representing a personality.
Media types
·         Network Television
·         Internet (i.e. social networking sites)
·         Print (i.e. Billboards)
·         Print (i.e. Magazines)
Network Television
·         Network television is an effective way of reaching college students because prime time is when most students watch television.
·         Network television has the most programs being aired at the time that college students are home relaxing from class and their busy schedules.
·         Network television is the best way to reach college students because the students can experience both the visual and auditory elements of our campaign.
·         Internet is another great way of reaching our target audience because college students are always on the internet.
·         Students use the Internet for academic purposes and leisure (i.e. social networking sites).
·         Internet offers the option to focus on just the visuals which the campaign will be primarily based around, and auditory elements which would only reinforce our concept.
·         Billboards on buses are an effective way of reaching college students because many college students rely on buses for transportation.
·         For students who may not use buses for transportation, bus billboards are still effective because bus stations are surrounding the campus area.
·         Since our concept is based around images and color, billboard advertisements will draw attention to students around the campus and University area.

·         Magazines are effective because you can place advertisements in specific types of magazines relating to the audience’s interests, values, and lifestyle.
·         Many college students subscribe to certain magazines that relate to their interest, which would make it easier to target our main audience.
·         Magazines are great because for those who do not subscribe to magazines they most likely look at their friends or roommates magazines or the through magazines at grocery and convenient stores.
·         Magazines advertisements are effective for our concept because it speaks to our target audience more directly and creates a connection between the brand and the individual.

Media types: Magazine (Print)-Purple, Outdoor-Red, and Television-Forest Green

Headline: One color. One Personality. One You.
Body Copy:  Hi I’m Ashley, and on my free time I love to go shopping with my friends.  I am always the one to start new trends and do things my own way.  So while my friends are waiting in long lines in the food court, I am enjoying my sensibly sized portion lunch and get extra time to pick up that purple bikini I’ve been eyeing.
College students are constantly adding fan pages to show off their personality and interest.  Facebook can be used as a way to stay connected with friends but also as a medium to show off your personality.  If Lunchsense were to create a Facebook fan page it would be able to reach our target audience of college students very well due to their constant interaction with Facebook.  College students would add Lunchsense and it would being to pop up on the sides of their friends’ pages and news feeds.  This would be great for college students because after seeing that their friends like a product, it works similar to word of mouth.  The fan page for Lunchsense would post a link to their website and provide quizzes, and information about where to purchase Lunchsense products.  The Lunchsense quiz would be in relation to our campaign “Color it your way”.  The quiz would ask a series of questions to determine what color best suits your personality.  Lunchsense would update statuses abut promotional events, special offeres, and contest.  Since the campaign focuses on color and showing off your personality, the contest that Lunchsense could have is “how do you wear it?”  Here viewers could upload images of all the odd places they go with their Lunchsense bag and the weird places that they wear it.  The fans and users would be responsible for commenting on the wall about their experiences, questions, or anything Lunchsense related.  Each week Lunchsense will provide a topic as a status to encourage fans participation.  Such as, what are your favorite eating tips/ Lunchsense and fans are both able to add photos to the page.

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